April 9th 2010 Miami Discovery Class
April 17th NYC Biodanza4Life! @ 440 Studios 5pm to 7pm
April 24th Takoma Park, MD @ Liz Lerman Dance Exchange 7pm to 9pm
April 25th Silver Spring MD @ Crossings : Special Family/Community Biodanza event in conjunction with DanceMetro/DC "Dance is the Answer" event!
10:30 am to noon....bring your family, friends, etc... for one low price!
April 28th Biodanza for Moms/Dads&Tots at the Liz Lerman Exchange in Takoma Park MD
7 weeks, every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 am
May 22nd NYC "The Joy of Dance" @Bodibalance 7pm to 9pm
June 12th NYC "Summer Heat" @ Bodibalance time: TBA
June 25th Bethesda, MD "Biodanza-Connections to Life!" at Carderock 7p to 10pm
for more info: www.biodanza-usa.com