The creator

What makes us happy? How can we related better to ourselves, our friends and families, strangers? What is our place in this world? How do movement and music affect my body? And my mind? These are some of the questions he asked as he explored in the creation of Biodanza. From the beginning, Toro saw a real need for change in the way people and medicine related long before it became a popular thing to do and the outcome of his quest is the Biodanza System, Rolando Toro.
Created in the 60’s, this system has since exploded onto the global scene being offered in dozens of different countries on many different continents. It is offered in many cities in South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia!
BIODANZA-ZAMBIA is just one of the latest countries to benefit from the presence of Biodanza sessions in Lusaka. The facilitator is Michelle Dubreuil Macek, an American living in Zambia, who trained in the South African School of Biodanza.
Adult classes are offered on Wednesday evenings at 19 h and Thursday mornings at 9am for the young and old alike, for those with the supposed “two left feet” as well as for those who love to dance.
Sessions for children are held on Saturdays. Moms/Dads & Tots come at 11.30 to dance with their little ones and a Youth Group (6 to 10) begins at 10 am.
The American International School hosts a Tuesday afternoon class at 2 pm for 3rd to 5th graders, as well.
Our Lady’s Hospice in Kalingalinga, Lusaka also hosts a group for the caretakers/staff who come to relieve themselves of some stress and rediscover JOY in their lives!
All interested please contact Michelle at or