Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Biodanza Rolando Toro School of Biodanza NYC


East Coast USA School of Biodanza 2011 from NYC to DC!

The Rolando Toro School of Biodanza will open in 2011 and will open it's doors for students from along the Eastern seaboard from New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, to DC and beyond....who is brave enough to let the love into his/her life?

Biodanza was created and founded by Chilean Rolando Toro. There are over 100,000 people who practice Biodanza worldwide and 2,500 +- official IBF Biodanza facilitators worldwide.

Many other modalities exist that might appear to be like the original Biodanza, but only one is the authentic modality created by Rolando Toro. The fabulous movement magazie Conscious Dancer (www.consciousdancer.com) has featured IBF Biodanza twice in its magazine pointing out the places and spaces where IBF Biodanza can be practiced.

The first school of IBF Biodanza in the USA is in San Francisco, headed by Belisa Amaro, and many of the IBF certified facilitators are working in the Bay area. Carmen Aranda is in the LA area facilitating there. Stephie Bloch is in the Miami area, Luz Arteaga is in Queens, NY and Paola Bolzan is in the DC area. Michelle Dubreuil Macek facilitates in NYC and Maryland and does workshops in Miami. She will be the Director of the IBF Rolando Toro School of Biodanza.

for more info: www.biodanza-usa.com or email me at biodanzaeastcoast@gmail.com

Sunday, October 17, 2010



Join our growing community of Biodanceros in New York City who are forming the pioneering NYC group of Biodanza. Below is the schedule of our classes for the rest of 2010. I hope you can join us for a class to see what the buzz is about.

Conscious Dancer magazine has featured Biodanza twice (www.consciousdancer.com) in issues #10 and #12 and the New York Times has mentioned Biodanza in an article about dancing without the need for booze and drugs. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/05/fashion/05Sober.html)

Biodanza is a powerful system of authentic movement that provides community and connection in this world where these two elements are sorely missing.

Why not come give it a try?

Future Dates and Times:

Oct 2 7-9pm w/Michelle

Oct 9 2-4pm w/Daniel

Oct 16 7-9pm w/Michelle

Oct 23 6-8pm w/Daniel

Nov 6 7-9pm w/Michelle

Nov 13 6-8pm w/Daniel

Nov 20 4-6pm w/Michelle

Dec 4 7-9pm w/Daniel

Dec 11 6-8pm w/Michelle

Jan 15 6-8pm Michelle

Jan 22 6-8pm Michelle



1-410-736-9311 to discuss more with Michelle

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Message from Rolando Toro, creator of Biodanza

MESSAGE FROM ROLANDO TORO, creator of the Biodanza system worldwide

The Biodanza Professor

The Biodanza professor formation consists essentially in discovering a mission, transmit the state of grace, show new ways to pursue love and awake the enlightened consciousness.

Frequently people carry a wrong identity. They reduce their existence to the demands of a poor or toxic environment

If men feel insignificant, their actions are insignificant as well.

The inferiority self image creates monsters. Many people don't know they carry inside a divinity

The essential nature of human is the eternal life's celebration. This condition revels an enlighten vision on himself and on the world.

The inner enlightening is not a personal privilege. To be enlightened for himself is not enough. Our light is for enlighten who remain in the darkness, for be able to see their essence and transmit to them the light.

To live, is a very special opportunity, is the opportunity to perceive "the eternal human" and to feel in the body the life's sacredness.

There is inside us something bigger and more marvellous than we think or do

If we don't connect with that eternal depth feeling we are poor mortals full of difficulties, our life turns insignificant.

To acquire that connection with the life's splendour is essential. Actually the enlighten, of which frequently speaks like an exceptional phenomenon full of mystic and occasional connotations, is a natural conditions of all human been. It's about a change of vision of us and the meaning of life. It's a new way of bonding to other people and face the difficulties like part of our alchemic job, accepting abundance and beauty that love generates.

We are much more than we generally think. We are cosmic creatures able to love and create beauty.

If we don't assume the greatness, we become assassins and our life turns insignificant.

To my joy, carry on the highest task our existence can embrace: To give back to the world the life sacredness.

Rolando Toro Santiago de Chile, 02/14/2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

New in the making!


April 9th 2010 Miami Discovery Class

April 17th NYC Biodanza4Life! @ 440 Studios 5pm to 7pm

April 24th Takoma Park, MD @ Liz Lerman Dance Exchange 7pm to 9pm

April 25th Silver Spring MD @ Crossings : Special Family/Community Biodanza event in conjunction with DanceMetro/DC "Dance is the Answer" event!
10:30 am to noon....bring your family, friends, etc... for one low price!

April 28th Biodanza for Moms/Dads&Tots at the Liz Lerman Exchange in Takoma Park MD
7 weeks, every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 am

May 22nd NYC "The Joy of Dance" @Bodibalance 7pm to 9pm

June 12th NYC "Summer Heat" @ Bodibalance time: TBA

June 25th Bethesda, MD "Biodanza-Connections to Life!" at Carderock 7p to 10pm

for more info: www.biodanza-usa.com

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



by Rolando Toro Araneda

Because the end is the beginning
where young and old
contemplate each other
turn your face to the old orchards,
to the parting ship which is drifting away,
with all your childhood in its dark hold
turn towards infinite with an absent face
like the astronaut that has lost its way
time disappears when you look inside
and initiate the resurrection of the dead final
only your heart will assist the final judgement.

"The impossible can happen"Rolando Toro Araneda

Rolando Toro Araneda


It is with such sadness that I write about the peaceful passing of the creator of Biodanza, Rolando Toro Araneda. Born in Concepcion, Chile in 1924, Rolando lived a life of passion and conviction and spent his days traveling the world disseminating the teachings of the biocentric way of life and Biodanza. He will be greatly missed by thousands of Biodanceros worldwide. We will indeed need to learn how to dance without the maestro guiding us along the way. He has left his greatest legacy to humanity in Biodanza and that is here to to stay. May his wish to dance the world into happiness, joy and connectivity come true! "Courage!" he would tell us....

"When you have courage to be faithful to your soul, you are in touch with your interior luminosity and know where to take your next steps in life.” - Rolando Toro

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Come celebrate your connections to love on Saturday evening February 13th 2010 in New York City.

Biodanza is a system of human development that fuses music, movement, and emotions building a sense of community for those who practice it regularly. This unique combination of elements expands our creativity, vitality and our ability to love. Biodanza is about feeling the fullness of every moment and awakening our passion for life. It is about loving life and putting life in the center

With carefully selected music that evokes specific experiences and invites movement, the participants will discover JOY and happiness within themselves. With Biodanza movement becomes a free expression of self, and is not choreographed or structured. No previous dance experience is required and there are no age requirements. Biodanza is for everyone! The magic of Biodanza will open your sense of joy, self-esteem and self-confidence. Come dance with life!

Biodanza workshops are a way to discover the pleasure to...

•Expand your creativity, vitality and ability to love.

•Feel the fullness of every moment and awake your passion for life.

•Open your sense of joy, self-esteem and self-confidence.

•Tenderly integrate feelings, mind and actions.

•Improve your health and organic harmony.

“Biodanza Love Connection 2010!”

Venue: Dance Theater Workshop Studio, 219 W. 19th Street

Cost: $20 pre-registered/$25 at the door

Time: 7: 30 to 9:30 pm

For more information and to secure your reservation contact me at biodanzaeastcoast@gmail.com. Phone 1-410-736-9311 for Michelle.

NYC payments: into Pay Pal account Biodanza East Coast with email biodanzaeastcoast@gmail.com